Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Friday Night January 5

Let's get together and catch up! Please plan on meeting at
Starbucks on Dimond and Old Seward Hwy. for "non-formal" knitting time.
This Friday night at 7 PM. Any questions go over to the Ravelry group and send
a mesage! We are still looking for the "perfect" location to
meet but instead of waiting, it has been discussed to just
get the nights out there and we will go with it!
Hope to see you there and PLEASE, if you know someone who would
like to come invite them yourself. Now is the time to invite your
friends to our knitting group.
See you there
ps - Bring your projects that you want Linda to take pictures of for the blog!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks Linda for posting this. People can reach me through ravelry or my email at Go ahead and add my blog to the list to. I am not sure if you got my ok via ravelry.